The Adventures of Mama Angela

Stories of life on the Reid Ranch

Presenting the Work of Allie Reid, Budding Photographer March 30, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — angelareid @ 10:40 am

For those of you who don’t know, Allie is my second eldest child.  She is a 14-year-old eighth grader who is a multi-talented young lady.  Besides spending lots of time trying to learn about and experience photography, she plays piano well, sings well, loves animals, is meticulous to details, is a wonderful, smart student, and is maturing so quickly before Mama A’s tear-filled eyes. 

Don’t worry.  The tears are because I’m so pleased with the work God has done and is doing in Allie’s life.  She was my tiny one, the little-bitty thing who was scared of everything and shy beyond belief.  But I am amazed what God has done over her 14 years.  She is now almost as tall as I am and still growing (she’s now 5’7″).  She has learned and is learning to assert herself and express herself in unique ways.  God is faithful to make us into what he wants us to be, and it is  wonderful to have a spirit of willingness to follow him in that change.

These pictures are the result of Allie’s first photography session, and her big sister Kellen is the subject.  It just so happens that since her big sister can drive, and Allie can’t, the girls worked together to be able to give Allie some much desired photography experience.  They scoped out their own location and went for it.  I had nothing to do with this.  It’s amazing to watch my kids become grown-ups, to handle adult situations and go for some of the things they want and make them happen.  They have become so capable.  It makes a mama proud.  I am not one of those mothers who wants to keep them under my wing as little ones who need me above all else forever.  No, my heart is happy to know they are learning to be independent of me as they grow in wisdom and in stature.  I won’t be able to take care of them forever.

For those of you who haven’t already seen these on Kellen’s facebook page, I hope you enjoy them.  These pictures are the fruit of hours of work.  Not only did Allie spend the time to shoot and edit these pictures.  She did lots of odd jobs to pay for the tools she needs to do photography.  So far Allie has paid for everything herself with the exception of her camera bag and one lens which she got for a combination Christmas/birthday present (because it was too expensive for just one holiday).  Allie’s babysitting jobs, pulling weeds, feeding the horse, gardening, garage sale running, and birthday money have afforded her the funds to buy a Canon digital camera and lens, lens filters, a computer editing program, a portable hard drive to store her pictures on, and other incidental items that come up due to her picture-taking.  She is quite an industrious worker.  As much as her parents want to see her succeed, we haven’t contributed much to her work monetarily.  She greatly values and appreciates the equipment she has.  With her appreciation and her great interest, I do believe she is on her way.

I, on the other hand, am not on my way to being a blogger of photography.  In my efforts to display Allie’s work, I spent way too much time and lost one of my favorite pictures.  :( 

I definitely need more practice!


4 Responses to “Presenting the Work of Allie Reid, Budding Photographer”

  1. Debbie Carney Says:

    These are amazing pictures, Allie did a great job. Kellen looks beautiful in all of them!!

  2. Vivian Says:

    She sings?! When will we get to hear that talent? Full of surprises that one.

    • angelareid Says:

      Well, you’d probably have to be around the house or in the car with her. She doesn’t really have an outlet for letting others hear her talent…except that time when she was 4 and she and Kellen sang in church together. :) She’s been able to sing in some other church programs, too, when she was younger and we went to another church. That kind of experience really depends on what kind of opportunities are available. Being homeschooled, Allie can’t participate in a school choir. Allie sings because she loves to, not so that she can gain the attention of others. When the time is right, maybe she’ll share. She’s probably not too happy with me for including that as one of her talents, but I’m the mama, and I think it IS one of her talents. ;)

  3. Carol Says:

    I love the pics, and I love the girls. What a beautiful family. You are a joy to Rodney and me.

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